short company profile

ICORE is an imaginative and creative company aimed at providing high-quality solutions for digital marketing.

We view ourselves as the tools our customers can use to bring their vision to life. We are a recognized company where a business owner can achieve real time marketing through our permission based systems.

ICORE is constantly conceiving, developing, and executing business strategies that drive business revenues, growth with marketing positioning through SMS. The positive trend in online advertising remains undiminished despite the current economic challenges. All long-term forecasts predict that the internet will be the primary advertising platform and ICORE leads the way with its SMS based platform. It seems equally certain that an ROI from print ads diminish, in the long term, and returns for online mobile ads are the better alternative. The best strategy is therefore to use a different media and focus on multi-channel advertising which can be used to get your promotions out instantly and will manage highly profitable through mobile campaigns. In times of new advertising platforms such as the internet or mobile requirement our permission bases system is the solution. More service, more quality and more flexibility are the order of the day. Clients expect shorter deadlines, flexible offers with customized ad spaces and combinations, as well as competent real time platforms. Our platforms can be viewed on the web and are interactive with mobile platforms. Permission based marketing is the perfect resource for mobile marketing and is a perfect alternative for keeping costs low and reaching the local and or national market.


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